Meaning of 'abhigharincu'

abhi-gharintsu. [Skt.] v. a. To put a few drops of clarified butter upon rice before eating or before the rise is put into the sacrificial fire to purify the food. neti cukka veyadamu, bhojanamunaku mundugagani ahuticeyadamunaku mundugagani annamulo neti cukka veyadamu.

Meaning of అభిఘరించు

abhi-gharinṭsu. [Skt.] v. a. To put a few drops of clarified butter upon rice before eating or before the rise is put into the sacrificial fire to purify the food. నేతి చుక్క వేయడము, భోజనమునకు ముందుగాగాని ఆహుతిచేయడమునకు ముందుగాగాని అన్నములో నేతి చుక్క వేయడము.

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