Meaning of 'paita, payita'

or payata paita. [Tel. from payyeda. (payi+eda.)] n. A woman's mantle, formed by throwing the train or end of the cloth over her breast and head. paita kongu or paitacengu paita-kongu. n. The skirt or end of the same. uttariyamu, payyeda. paitakarra paita-karra. n. A weaver's whirl.

Meaning of పైట, పయిట

or పయట paiṭa. [Tel. from పయ్యెద. (పయి+ఎద.)] n. A woman's mantle, formed by throwing the train or end of the cloth over her breast and head. పైట కొంగు or పైటచెంగు paiṭa-kongu. n. The skirt or end of the same. ఉత్తరీయము, పయ్యెద. పైటకర్ర paiṭa-karra. n. A weaver's whirl.

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